“We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place, we stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there.”
― Pascal Mercier

The Engine Room Items: *NEW*
Midnight Pavilion by Death Row Designs
Markvaine - Brassed (Wings) by Petrichor
Everlid Suitcase by Random Matter
1874 Day Dress by Grasshopper St.
Tinkertoy Fireflies by Quills & Curiosities
Bella Citta Townhouse by Old Treasures
Aether Sky Islands by Rivendale
Everything Else:
Body: Reborn by eBody
Aviator Goggles by Clavv
Pose made in Black Dragon. Hold pose comes with Suitcase
In the Clouds (Clouds) by Unkindness
Hair is old and discontinued (Kohaku by Argrace)