“Yes I have had my share of complaints but on the whole I've been a saint!... to those poor unfortunate souls!”
- Ursula, 'The Little Mermaid'.

Necrotize Items: *NEW*
Femme Skin Set EVOX + 3D - Norrsken Violet by Stargazer
Stitched Eyes by Mana
Krept Hands by The Forge
Cosmic Meat Cube by Static
Star Stuff (Particles) by Cole's Corner
Everything Else:
Head: Halle by Lelutka
Body: Reborn + Juciy Boobs by eBody
Cosmic Jelly Makeup Set (Eyeshadow + Lips) by Opulein
The Pupils Tattoo by This is Wrong @ Dollholic *NEW*
Juicy Boobs Cleavage by Nuve
Adley Dreads by CAMO @ Access *NEW*
Dress + Choker: Ursula Exclusive Color by Una *Mainstore*
Eel Buddy (old gacha now in fatpack) by M.O.R
Bubbles + I'm planet / fish puddle (former gacha) by Anc
Pose made in Black Dragon. Hand Pose comes with Meat Cube