
 “If a lion turned every time small dogs barked at it, it would be the laughing stock of the jungle.”

― Matshona Dhliwayo



Head: Fleur by Lelutka

Body: Reborn by eBody

Skin: Kysia (July) by Pumec

Scars of Battle by MILA

Lelutka EvoX Boom! Liners by Shiny Stuffs @ TLC Event *NEW*

Rumble Shine + Tattoo by This is Wrong @ Man Cave *NEW*

Isla Braids + BabyHair Essentials by CAMO (please not in HUD you can only have hair either both in front or behind shoulders)

Maya Mouthpiece and Septum Piercing by RAWR!

Makai Sets (Earrings + Choker) by Random Matter @ Collabor88 *NEW*

Enchanted Bindi - Gold by {Soleil et Lune} @ Enchantment *NEW*

Regina Outfit + Shield by Atame @ The Fantasy Room 

"Bezerker's Axe of Two Blades" (gacha/nextup) by Deviousmind

Pose: Shield Maiden by Poseidon