I read through that handbook for the recently deceased. It says, ‘live people ignore the strange and unusual.’ I myself am strange and unusual.
~Lydia, Beetlejuice 1988 film

Enchantment Burtonesque Items: *NEW*
Katrina Jacket & Skirt by Atame
Swirly Tapers (Swallow Gauged S Pixie) by Bunk
Sand Slug (Animesh Companion) by Tardfish
Charmed Hair by Clover
The Horror Eyes by Oiche
Everything Else:
Head: Halle 3.1 by Lelutka
Body: Reborn by eBody
PIXIE Gauged S lel Evo X Ears (f) by Swallow
Heretic Shine @ Mainstore & Cyberpunk Collar & Tattoo @ Cyberpunk Fair by This is Wrong *NEW*
Nava Hairbase by Nonnative
Belle Muerte Lipstick by Emotional Circus
Dark Side Eyeshadow by Opulein
Azath Eye Bags by Loa
Corazon Nails by RAWR!
Sweet Society Cake, Cheesecake, & Petit Fours by Disorderly @ Collabor88 *NEW*
Pose was made in Black Dragon