
 A festival of flavors within a bowl of happiness . . . 

Only a few days left of Cyber Fair! Hurry and check out all the goodies as who knows when some of the items will be put in some stores.  Hurry and get those last-minute items.



Cyber Fair Items: *NEW*

NathMatt Robot Metal by Boutique #187

Skin: Jupiter/Alien 01 by Utopia

CODA Headphones by Cybertooth

Night CyberBoots by Phedora

Head: Avalon EvoX by Lelutka

Calliope Tattoo + Eyeliner by This is Wrong @ The Black Fair *NEW*

Moonlight Sand Shine by This is Wrong *Mainstore*

Mila Braids @ Anthem & Baby Hair Essentials A01 @ Mainstore by CAMO *NEW*

Keila Dress by Luas @ Access *NEW*

BOM Panties by MooH

Tentacles Bowl & Sticks by Boutique #187 *Comes with hold poses)

Pose: Heatwave 5 by Foxcity (Hold poses come with bowl/sticks)

NeoTokyo Ramen Boat + Ramen Bowl (extra) by Lost Junction @ Tokyo Zero *NEW*