Praise the white-handed queen
The gold and the green I give to her
From this broken heart
By nail and by tooth
The blood of my youth flows over her
Falling like the rain.
Falling like the rain.
Falling like the rain.
Praise the truth come to light
The valley of night she gives to me
From her empty heart
By silence and shame
The poison and pain flows over me
Falling like the rain.
~ The Birthday Massacre, Rain

Mainframe Items: *NEW*
Neon Umbrella by Antaya
Face & Body Tags by Dreamcatcher
Evangeline Tattoo by Pecheresse
Coaster Horns Chromed by Catacomb
Head: Lily 2.5 by Lelutka
Skin: Emma Cypher V1 by Soul
Collyrium Tears by Cureless
Samantha Hairstyle by Doux
Hands: La Baronne by Azoury
Circuit Ears by Stargazer
Vanya Outfit & Heels by Pure Poison @ Uber *NEW*
Pose: Umbrella Poses 2m by Diversion