Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.
-Henry David Thoreau
This sort of came out looking like one of my RL cousins. Yea she is THAT pretty! LOL. Enjoy and look out for the new Lelutka heads coming January 15th!

Head: Zora Head 2.5 by Lelutka *BRAND NEW* Coming January 15th
Skin: Alyssa in Medium Dark by Nonnative
Dreamy Downbrushed Tintable Lashes (Lelutka) by Aii *NEW* I wore the Fleur size with success!
Anime Lens HUD 2 by Little Foxy B.
Jennie Hairstyle by Doux
Shairi Nosering by Zaara
Butterflies on hair (color mix 3) by Persefona
Indian Maang Tikka Forehead Jewelry - Bindi #4 (BOM) by C.Chantal
Pose with purple Moths: Sparks Fly *Illumination by Le Poppycock