It has been soo long and my path has been soo dark. Darker than I ever dreamed it could be.
~Darth Maul, The Clone Wars
For the Fallen Gods Photo Contest. A female Sith Zabrak. Hope you all like.

Legacy of Maul [xx]+FGInc.+ Fire (Skin) and Legacy of Maul, tattoo /3.0 by Fallen Gods
Mulan Outfit by Una @ Neo Japan *New*
Eleven Bionic Bento Arm by Luas @ Neo Japan *New*
Head: Ryn by Lelutka
Force Knight - Cross Guard Sword, RARE C by The Forge
Adept's Hood v1 by Lambda Corporation
Base Oil Wet by Bold & Beauty
Body: Legacy Perky by Meshbody
Pose (Modified using Animare): 2B Sword Girl 2 by Poseidon
Mystic Bokeh Photo Effect by Deadly Nightshade