Space is for everybody. It's not just for a few people in science or math, or for a select group of astronauts. That's our new frontier out there, and it's everybody's business to know about space.
~ Christa Mcauliffe
One of my favorite events will be back on September 3rd! Are you ready for another round of Cyber Fair?? I know I am. I love Cyber Punk and Science Fiction and cannot wait to share some of my work with you all with this event! Enjoy witnessing the beginning of a new adventure in space!!!
Cyber Fair Items: *NEW*
EmoTech Drones by Astara
Mech Hangar Metal + Hologram v2 bu Oshiro
Misty Hair by Chain
Angara Poses by Secret Poses
Outfit: Toxica Gacha: Bodysuit Blue, Crossbow Rare, Sword Rare, Quiver & Belts, Pauldrons Rare & Mask Blue by Luas x BJK @ Lootbox *New*
Agatha Headdress by ROZOREGALIA
Ammo Choker by Six Feet Under
Apocalypse Face Wounds by Izzie's @ The Liaison Collaborative *New*
Battle Scars by Even~Tide