Mere data makes a man. A and C and T and G. The alphabet of you. All from four symbols. I am only two: One and zero.
~Joi, Bladerunner 2049
Stargazer Creations *New* @ Gacha Garden
Cyber Future Skin Set - R06 RARE & 3D Materials RARE
Zal'ih Gacha: Corset, 3rd Eye, Boots, Top, Tiara & Panties (All in Cobalt) & Bot QT500 Deco & Animesh Companion (Legacy & Maitreya Sizes)
Head: Fleur by Lelutka *New*
Cyber Ghost Hair by A&Y
Toxic Earrings Unisex by Dreamcatcher @ Desolation *New*
Wired Ghost (Face Wires) by Antinatural
Pose: SAPA 72.12