“A famous explorer once said, that the extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are. I’d finally set out to make my mark; to find adventure. But instead adventure found me. In our darkest moments, when life flashes before us, we find something; Something that keeps us going. Something that pushes us.”
― Lara Croft

Head: Fleur by Lelutka *New* (Used Expression MDL14)
Anika Skin [ Lelutka ] 008 + Eyebags & Freckles by Glam Affair @ Uber *New*
Cleo Lashes by Evermore
Just My Cat Makeup (Scratches) by This Is Wrong (July Group Gift!) *New*
Biker Dirt by Izzie's
Hair: Pink by Doux
Zara T-Shirt, Neck Chain & Jessie Shorts by AsteroidBox *Mainstore*
Fitted for Legacy/Perky, Slink Hourglass/Petite, Alice, Maitreya, Freya
Rusty Boots by Eudora3D
Pose and Guns/Holster (Guns sold separately!) by SAC (SSOC Armament Co.)
Military 7 Poses Vol.1
Tier-One 18C v1.03 (weapons)
Scattered Papers by Atelier Burgundy
Aero Flying Curtain + Paper (Just used the papers) by Kalopsia (50L on MP!)