“The world of the future will be an even more demanding struggle against the limitations of our intelligence, not a comfortable hammock in which we can lie down to be waited upon by our robot slaves.”
― Norbert Wiener

Ooame Underarmor Tattoo (Demigod) by Aii *New*
Cotton Candy Hair by Tableau Vivant @ Collabor88 *New*
Body: Legacy Perky by MeshBody
Enchantment: Kitsune Tales Items: *New*
Megitsune Mask & Pauldrons by Deadly Nightshade
Kitsune 5rev (Pose) by Poseidon
Kitsune (Heels) by Eudora3D (Maitreya & Legacy)
Cyber/Punk Fair 2 Items: *New*
Logan Tech (Suit) by Stargazer Creations (Legacy & Legacy Perky)
Oblivion Sword by The Forge
Armored Grenade Ball & Bionic Bento Hands by Kartel (Fitted for mens sizes but I got Legacy to fit Legacy Female. Sizes are for Gianni, Jake & Legacy. Ball comes with special bento animation)