“Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.”
– Old French Proverb

Fantasy Hole (House) by Clover @ The Fantasy Faire: Lamented Fens *New*
Sunflowers by Milk Motion @ Uber *New*
Lunafae Garden Path Edge 1 & Lunafae Bird Bath by The Looking Glass @ The Fantasy Faire: Lunafae *New*
The Lunafae Fairy (Animesh NPC) by Titans @ The Fantasy Faire: Lunafae *New*
On Me:
Head: Strange Face 1 by Genus Project
Body: Legacy Perky by MeshBody
Hair: Wind 2 by Fabia
Blossom Elegance Dress by Pure Poison @ FaMeshed *New* (Fitted for Legacy Classic & Perky, Maitreya, Freya & Slink)
Pose with Sunflowers: *Beauty Break* Seeds of Joy by Le Poppycock