Old Crows

Old crows ride in the mouth of the beast
Sleep beneath its tongue, cradled by its teeth
We roam from shore to shore
From the open sky to the ocean floor
The more we move the less we are ourselves
And when we finally stop, we've changed to something else

As rapid as a river flows
As frigid as the cold wind can blow
As devious as the devil’s grin
Our blood is cold and we've shed our skin
~ Alexisonfire

Old Crows


Head: Baby Face by Genus Project
Skin: Amelie 011 by Glam Affair @ Kustom9 *New*
Zombie Eyes by -bus-
Hair: Geo (Group Gift) by Little Bones
Niniel Dress by Una @ We Love Role-Play *New*
Headdress: Stag Black & Gold by Stay Chic @ We Love Role-Play *New*
Floating Feathers "Morning Bird" by Persefona
Pose with Raven: Children of The Forest - Gift of Vision by Le Poppycock