Missandei of Naath

All of us who came with her from Essos, we believe in her. She's not our Queen because she's the daughter of some King we never knew: she's the Queen we chose.
― Missandei, GOT Season 7

Naath, known to the ancients as the Isle of Butterflies, is an island in the Summer Sea off the northwestern coast of Sothoryos.  This is the home of Missandei.  It is known for its butterflies and the butterfly fever.  
Fever is the first sign of the disease, followed by painful spasms that make the victims seem to be dancing wildly and uncontrollably. In the last stage, those afflicted sweat blood, and their flesh sloughs from their bones.

Missandei of Naath


Head: Korina by Lelutka
Skin: Zoe in 009 by Glam Affair
Hair: Veda Group Gift (Very old gift. May not be in store) by Iconic
Calla Outfit by Have Unequal @ Enchantment *New*
Necklace Targaryen by Infinity @ Enchantment *New*
Red Butterflies: Butterflies Photo Set 12 by Persefona
Pose w/ Blue Butterflies: Fragile by Po^Z