"The Levitation Charm is one of the first spells learnt by any young witch or wizard. With the charm a witch or wizard can make things fly with the flick of a wand. The charm is an excellent test of your magical skills, wand control and above all, patience."
—An excerpt from Book of Spells
On Me:
Skin: Vivian 011 by Glam Affair @ Kustom9 *New*
Head: Baby Face by The Genus Project
Queenie Mesh Hair by Wasabi @ World of Magic *New*
Uniform by Nishi @ World of Magic *New*
Entwined Wand by The Forge @ World of Magic *New*
Harry Books by Tentacio @ World of Magic *New*
Pose modified using Animare
La trattoria alley by Milk Motion @ Collabor88 *New*
Angelfish Aquarium Gacha: Koi Angelfish, Zebra Angelfish, Angelfish Aquarium & Elusive Purple Angelfish by Hextraordinary @ The Gacha Garden *New*
Magic World scroll (big with text) & Magic World scroll (small, blank) by Raindale @ World of Magic *New*
Fly Magic Spells Papper by MushiLu