I'm so tired but I can't sleep.
My mind is full but I can't speak.
Among the dust of the hard-to-reach, I'm stuck
Right here, somewhere between side a and side b.
I could call it compromise
Or just an intermission.
Some kind of consolation prize
For the race I never finished.
~Sleeping at Last
On Me:
Skin: Catwa applier - Dolce tone - Bianca (On Tala) by Enfer Somber @ Enchantment *New*
Snow White Dress by Una @ Enchantment *New*
Hair: 8190 by Pink Hustler @ Enchantment *New*
Snow's Retreat Gacha: House RARE, Apple Clock, Dwarf Bookshelf, Sideboard, Apple Crate Sofa, Potpourri Jars, Mirror Mirror, Coffee Table, Apple Crate Shelves large, Stool 2, Stool 1, Apple Candles, Apple Crate Shelves small, Apple Photo Frame & Vase by The Looking Glass @ Enchantment *New*
Shiny Decor Tree - Snowdusted Gold by Madpea
Metal Branches Floor Lamp by Botanical