Altered Carbon

“What use was time to those who'd soon achieve Digital Immortality?” 
― Clyde DeSouza

Altered Carbon


On Me:
Skin: Rebel Queens Gacha: #2 Queen Skin RARE, Upgrade Tattoo & #5 Survivor Pack by Lure @ The Fantasy Gacha Carnival *New*
Hair: Jagged Edge by Exile *New*
Deanna Top & Wrap-Panty by Wicca's Wardrobe @ The Gacha Garden *New*
Umbrella: Purple Rain -Planetarium (gold) by Yokai @ The Fantasy Gacha Carnival *New*
Pose (Umbrella changes pose slightly): Worn 1 by NRage Studio Poses @ The Fantasy Gacha Carnival *New*

Cyber Survivor Gacha: <neon sign [lost city]> 12, <neon sign [no sleep club]> 13, <neon sign [satellite]> 16, <neon sign [black clinic]> 11, <neon sign [subliminal]> 10, <decadent street> [39LI] 20 RARE & <digital butterfly [reality]> 6 by OLQINU @ The Fantasy Gacha Carnival *New*