She held me spellbound in the night
Dancing shadows and firelight
Crazy laughter in another
Room and she drove herself to madness
With a silver spoon
Woo hoo witchy woman see how high she flies
Woo hoo witchy woman she got the moon in her eye
She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. A smile crawls upon her lips as she visualizes her future Dom, lover & best friend. She chants:
“Winds to the East, Sun by Moon; Bring to me my love soon; I wait with Goddess as she shines my path, send my lover to me by hearts map”
Will her lover ever come to her??? Perhaps the stars will be in her favor one day . . .
On Me:
Naughty Lingerie by Apple May Design @ Frou Frou *New*
Sweet.Pearl.Bat.Wings! by Epic *New*
Penman Earrings by Plastik @ The Liaison Collaborative *New*
Pose: Show Off 4 by Foxcity
Ghastly Gacha Set: Webbare Candles, Burton Curio, Ouija Mirror, Cathedral Spellbook & Stand, Spiked Mirror, Gothike Plate, Tortura Hourglass, Occulte Table - Golden, Krall Lantern & Crania Jewelbox by Plastik @ The Arcade *New*