Everybody's here with me
Got no camera to see
Don't think I'm not all in this world
The camera won't let me go
And the verdict doesn't love our soul
The digital won't let me go
On Me:
Hair & Hat: NachoBitch by Spellbound
Jazi Top & Pants by Apple May Designs @ N21 *New*
Color Explosion (Body & Face Paint Splatters) by Izzie's @ The Mesh Body Addicts Fair *New*
Pose: The Journey 5 by Foxcity
Please visit Kodeines blog for her clothing credits.
Subway Train Party by Ninety
K-Tagger Gacha Set: Wall Spray // It's Fucked!, Wall Spray // Fuck You!, Spray Can // Blue, Respirator Mask // Red, Respirator Mask // Blue, Leg Holster // Red, Leg Holster // Blue by AsteroidBox @ The Gacha Garden *New*
Bag Gacha: Summon - Rare & Smiles by Candy Crunchers @ The Gacha Garden *New*
Spray Paint Set - Street Artist by Katat0nik
Around The World - Luggage [PG] RARE by .random.Matter.